Friday, November 2, 2018

Pittsburgh, pipe-bomber attacks halted mid-terms momentum says Trump

With less than a week until the midterm elections, Trump has tried to make immigration a key issue in order to boost Republican turnout. Yet, recent events have caused the President to mourn that “momentum [has] greatly slow[ed.  The] news [is] not talking [about] politics.” Specifically, in only the past couple of weeks, pipe bombs have been sent to various high-level Democratic figures, and eleven congregants were killed last Saturday in America's deadliest anti-semitic attack. These tragedies have reduced coverage of Trump’s recent illegal immigration policies, like sending troops to stop the caravan and proposing to end birthright citizenship, and they have sparked debate over whether coarser political rhetoric has contributed to this violence. However, it is unlikely that they will have any significant impact on the midterms. Recent polling does not show any significant shift away from the Republican party after these events. While there are tossups in individual elections, overall, the fundamentals of the midterms have remained stable. With the out-of-power party's typical advantage in first-term congressional elections, Democrats have been able to fundraise more than Republicans and publicize their main issues: health care and the economy. And, on the other side, Republicans have continued advocating their immigration policies and using their incumbency statuses to their advantage.

Connection: In congressional elections, incumbency status, political party, policy positions, and campaign spending are some of the most important aspects that citizens consider when deciding how to vote. Thus, it makes sense that recent events would have minimal impact on the polls, as congressional candidates have no connection to them.

  1. Do you think these events will impact voters’ decisions or turnout?
  2. Has increasingly coarse and impolite political rhetoric potentially contributed to this violence? Why or why not?
  3. What are the most pressing topics/issues for this year’s midterms?


  1. Clara Kennedy

    1. I do not think that these events will significantly impact voters' decision or voter turnout. These events, while targeting prominent Democrats, are not at all tied to current Republican candidates. Additionally, these events \are unlikely to stimulate a great response in regard to turnout as they cannot be linked to immigration policy. At this point in time, it is unlikely that there will be a significant shift in voter opinions on candidates and policy, especially if the events are not directly linked.
    2. I believe that increasingly coarse and impolite political rhetoric has partially contributed to this violence. Due to further polarization of the parties and greater animosity between the parties, harsher actions have been taken to target the opposing party. Also, this type of rhetoric has made more outrageous actions seem less outrageous due to the changing styles of communication. The changing rhetoric has made more combative behavior and less understanding of other viewpoints seem acceptable. However, I think that this violence cannot be fully attributed to the current political rhetoric due to the individual nature of these events and their targeting of specific groups of people, suggesting a personal hatred.
    3. This year the most pressing topics in the midterms seem to be healthcare and immigration. As Trump has taken very harsh stances on both of these issues, people have either become strongly defendant of Trump's actions or highly accusatory. As a result, these issues have become the most influential in the election as they are currently drawing the most attention from the public and have taken a spotlight in DC over the course of the past two years.

  2. Joshua Ishimoto
    1. It is probably an accurate assessment that the American people are fundamentally indifferent to the suffering of others when it doesn't effect them. Because these incidents don't have a noticeable effect on how people live their lives, the public will be not be inspired to turnout in large numbers. No matter how horrific an incident, the people, because of the Big Sort, will assess current events through their own ideological perspective. Only the quality of fear of some sort (from terrorism to losing their jobs) can really motivate the people to come out and vote.
    2. There will always be extremist in society. Trump didn't change that. However, his rhetoric and the way he has intensified American political discord has caused some extremists to feel as if they can and should commit acts of extremism. Trump has in that sense made it more acceptable to espouse bigoted views. He has empowered some to act out on their most violent thoughts, including those implicated in these incidents this past week.

    3. As stated before, the American people are fundamentally selfish. They have trouble making out the details of something or even knowing basic facts. The one thig they feel motivated to do is to look out for their own interests by making vague complaints how they are not getting their share of the American Dream. They don't often realize what might be goof for them will be bad for others and even if they did they wouldn't change their position. The citizenry at this time want two things: good healthcare and a good economy for them. Whether or not they are considering things for the greater good of the country, those are the two issues that are going to dominate the political debate today.

  3. 1. It could impact voter turnout a little bit, but I think most of the voter turnout could be because of the 2016 presidential election with Donald Trump. Ususally the midterms after the presedential election go against the president. Therefore, the midterms may lean more democratic because it will go aganst the Republican party in 2018. So, these recent events may not impact results as much. Instead, more are worried about the shootings and the economy rather than immigration.
    2. I think political impolite rethoric and racism has contributed to the violence in recent years. This is because politicans like Trump are racist and it could set a precedent for others to act the same, wether it be racist or anti-semetic, etc. But, there are always extremists such as how there still have been tragic events before Trump.
    3. Most pressing topics are health care, economy, immigration. These are importatnt because Democratics have been advocating for more health care and republicans really want a better ecnonomy. Some however, want to work on immigration reform. These topics are so important for the midterm especially after the 2016 election.

  4. 1. It could impact voter turnout a little bit, but I think most of the voter turnout could be because of the 2016 presidential election with Donald Trump. Midterms end up favoring the party that goes against the president. Furthermore, voter turnout will largely be as a result of the Kavanaugh case too because democrats will want to express their opinion against the possible sexual assaulter.
    2. I think political impolite rhetoric and racism has contributed to the violence in recent years. Especially with the President saying extremely racist things via social media, etc. I think impolite politics has always been a thing, but it has not reached as much popularity in the higher scenes such as Trump.
    3. The most important topics of this year’s midterm are probably on healthcare, immigration, and middle class. Democrat, especially during Obama’s run, have advocated for health care reform and being able to give universal healthcare, specifically geared towards the less fortunate. I think talking about how the middle class can be reformed might also be an avid talking point. Or the economy in general. And immigration reform is an important topic especially aftet Trump’s allegations to build a wall were extremely offensive to some people despite his actual purpose.

  5. 1) I do not believe that these actions and events will have any impact on the mid terms. These bombings will not affect anything because those that will get angry about it are the democrats who are already pissed off from the 2016 election.

    2) Most likely the horrible rhetoric has lead to this increase in violence. When the president asks for people to attack each other punch each other or hit each other it means that people will inevitably listen and carry out horrible deeds such as these pipe bombs.

    3) Most likely the most pressing issues are healthcare and immigration. This is because these are the two main platforms that have been pushed by the two parties. Democrats want to keep healthcare around despite the Republican's attempts to abolish it. And immigration is the focus of the Republicans because it is something they can get their voters fired up about.

  6. 1.I do not think that these actions will have a big impact on the voting for the turnout. The attacks targeting the Democrats do not represent all of the Republican people. It make draw more attention to the election because of all the scandal surrounding the attacks, but no definite effect.

    2.The impolite political rhetoric has caused the more violence. When the political leaders from both parties continue to be ruder to each other, the separation between the two parties becomes wider people have participated in more fights against people who are a part of the opposite party.

    3.I think that the most pressing topics for this mid term are healthcare and immigration. These two topics have been the most divisive for the two parties.

  7. Do you think these events will impact voters’ decisions or turnout?
    I do not think these events will impact voters' decisions or the turnout. The attacks on Democratic proponents will not make a big impact on the amount of voting.

    Has increasingly coarse and impolite political rhetoric potentially contributed to this violence? Why or why not? I think the increasingly impolite and coarse political rhetoric has definitely caused more violence. People are uneducated and take sides, then become very radical about their beliefs and go as far as bombing opponents.

    What are the most pressing topics/issues for this year’s midterms?
    The most pressing topics for this year's midterms are definitely healthcare and immigration issues. Republicans and Democrats have been at a disagreement on these two issues and have not resolved it.

  8. 1. Considering that these events were overshadowed in the media, the impact will not be huge.
    2. It would be hard to say that this is an immediate cause, but coarse rhetoric can definitely help heighten tension and aggression between groups which can overall contribute to a more hostile atmosphere in which bombings would be more likely.
    3. Immigration is an important, polarizing issue. Healthcare is also important.
