Sunday, November 11, 2018

Gun Rights Advocates Lose Ground to Gun Control Proponents

After heavy discussion on the issue, gun control proponents obtained more seats in the House in the midterm election races while gun rights protagonists lost them. According to the House voting records tracked by the National Rifle Association (NRA), more than two dozen gun rights campaigners will not be returning to Congress. The new majority consists of gun control supporters and 17 of the newly elected House Democrats back stricter gun laws. Even with a decline in campaign spending by the NRA, campaign contributions to gun control supporting candidates surged. Giffords, the political action committee formed by former Arizona congresswoman Gabby Giffords spent nearly $5 million and Everytown for Gun Safety pledged $30 million to this year's election. Although the gun control movement is gaining momentum, the enactment of control on weapons or ammunition will continue to be a continuous uphill battle with a Republican-controlled Senate and a President who remains an ally to the NRA. Vowing for a range of actions to stem gun violence, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California stated that "The American people deserve real action to end the daily epidemic of gun violence that is stealing the lives of our children on campuses, in places of worship and on our streets".

1) What do you think the NRA will do to counteract the momentum of gun control?

2) What actions do you think the new majority will pass that the old majority did not?

3) Do you think this will make a big impact to decrease the likelihood of future gun violence events?


  1. Clara Kennedy
    1) I believe that the NRA will focus on exerting influence within the Senate and on the President to ensure that gun control legislation does not pass, at least without significant loopholes. As the House will seem an unlikely place to gain greater influence, the NRA is most likely to concentrate in places where they already hold an advantage.

    2) The new Democratic majority in the House will likely manage to pass more legislation regarding gun control in the House. While it still remains unlikely that the Senate would allow any bill that is too constraining to pass, it is more likely that legislation will pass Congress with a House dedicated to change and a variety of Republican senators from states that have suffered from increasing gun violence.

    3) I think that this election will increase momentum towards gun control, but I do not think that we will see an immediate reduction in gun violence events due to the obstacles present in the quest for greater gun control. The NRA is still quite prevalent and powerful, making it difficult to pass legislation. Without legislation outlining greater gun control, it is unlikely that we will see a significant decrease in the likelihood of future gun violence events.

  2. 1. I think the NRA will increase its amount of lobbying to ensure that Congress doesn't pass legislation that supports gun control. The NRA's primary support lies in the Senate and with the president, but the since the majority of the House is now made up of gun control supporters it will be difficult for any legislation to be drawn unless the president starts supporting some form of gun control.

    2. I think the new majority will pass more legislation supporting gun control and attempt to form further regulations and rules about gun ownership. Although the House will most likely pass these gun control bills, it is unlikely that the Senate will pass them since they have a Republican majority. However, it is still possible for these bills to be passed since the amount of gun violence all over the country has dramatically increased and senators will begin to notice the need for change for their home states.

    3. I think that any legislation passed for gun control is a step in the right direction against gun violence. A bigger impact would result from a large amount of legislation passed, but the likelihood of it happening is much less. If legislation that is be passed can be correctly implemented than I think it's possible to decrease the amount of gun violence in the US. However, the slow process of Congress, loopholes in the gun industry, and the power of the NRA will be a strong force to fight against in order to start the fight against gun violence.

  3. 1) I think the NRA will continue to produce more advertising or lobby more against gun control because in the past, they have been very strong against gun control. I think that lobbying will be a big part because many senators have said that they have been given money by the NRA to support their policies. The NRA and the gun control movement show how slow and deliberate our government is.

    2) I think the new Democratic majority may try to pass new legislation for gun control but they may have trouble getting it passed the Senate and Trump. Therefore, I feel like new legislation will not be passed for a while. They would pass these bills, but they would not really change the way our gun control is implemented because of the slow and deliberate process of the United States of America.

    3) I think that more legislation may lead to more legislation, but I don't think it will do much because of how many holes in the law or many ways to get a hands on a gun even if one is not allowed to have one. I think that the NRA will always try to find ways to stop more legislation if some is passed though. It may decrease the likelyhood of future gun violence acts, but I doubt things will change soon.

  4. 1. The NRA will likely put more money behind pro-gun candidates in the next election (2020) to unseat the surge of anti-gun democrats who were elected to the house this November. Additionally, they will probably spend a lot of money this year trying to lobby congress and produce relevant pro-gun advertisements.

    2. The new Democratic majority will likely introduce some gun safety measures but will run into issues with the senate and the executive branch. Many democrats have talked about a ban on assault weapons and stricter background checks and a longer process to gun ownership.

    3. I personally don't believe that anything bill passed in the near future will do much to help combat the issue of gun violence, as many others have said, there are a lot of loopholes when it comes to purchasing a gun. The black market for assault weapons will grow, making it potentially easier to buy a gun illegally that the legal route, and completely banning guns altogether (which a lot of house democrats advocate for) won't necessarily decrease gun violence but rather make it harder to control. The best option for gun control would be to start small (such as requiring background checks in states that have little to no requirements for buying a gun) and build up to stricter gun laws over time, not overnight.

  5. 1) I think that the NRA will continue to donate to current Congress members and future candidates in order to prevent gun control reform. The NRA also continues to rally supporters and lobby for their cause, making it easier to influence Congress members.

    2) Democrats will continue to attempt to pass more gun reform laws and because of the new Democratic majority, it might be slightly easier to pass the bills. It will still be very difficult to pass gun reform bills, however, because the Democrats do not have a major advantage over the Republicans in Congress. Moreover, banning assault weapons is still an ambitious goal so smaller steps on gun reform are more likely to occur.

    3) I think that the Democrats winning the majority this term will not significantly influence gun violence in America. If both houses manage to pass legislation, it can lead to larger leaps for gun control but there will not be a huge impact on gun violence in the near future. Gun control is still a very hot topic so passing legislation will be difficult right now, but it may be able to prevent events in the future.

  6. 1. NRA will continue to donate to Congress, the supporters of the NRA are fanatical about the Second Amendment, and they vote, which would scare any public official, especially Republicans and Bluedog Dems.

    2. Legislation on the Mueller investigation (or atleast try to), more left leaning legislation.

    3. No, there would have to be major gun control legislation, and in order to do that (Ik it's terrible to say) I would think there would have to be a tragedy to get the momentum necessary to pass legislation that makes serious reform.

  7. 1)The NRA will probably continue to donate to current Congress members and candidates to prevent gun control reform.

    2) Democrats will try to pass gun reform laws, however they do not have the majority over the Republicans in Congress which will probably make it unlikely to happen very soon. Maybe small steps in gun reform will be taken but I doubt much will happen with Republicans in control and the NRA supporting them.

    3) While the democrats have the majority in the house, the term will not influence gun violence very much because congress is still in contol by republicans. Maybe it will sway people if there are more events that occur, but as of now, people want to keep their guns

  8. 1) What do you think the NRA will do to counteract the momentum of gun control?
    Most likely they will donate money to candidates and back up candidates that support their policies and arguments. They will also get together more supporters and lobbyists that support them.

    2) What actions do you think the new majority will pass that the old majority did not?
    I think that the new majority, democrats, will most likely pass more gun reform laws. There might be trouble when trying to have Trump and the Senate approve though.

    3) Do you think this will make a big impact to decrease the likelihood of future gun violence events?
    Congress is in control by republicans and so is the president. This means that it will most likely not influence gun violence very much.

    -Tovia Sobel

  9. The NRA will continue to influence the Senate and lobby against gun control to counteract the momentum of gun control proponents. Though the new House will likely pass gun control legislation, by focusing on the Senate, the NRA can stop bills from passing. They can also try to convince the President to veto any bill that passes, as it is unlikely that Congress will be able to override a Presidential veto on gun control.

    I do not think the new majority will pass any more actions than the old one, for although the House is now majority Democrat, they still probably cannot get gun control bills to pass in the Senate and then be signed by the President.

    Without gun control legislation, it seems unlikely that the likelihood of future gun violence events will decrease, and as I have stated in my previous answers, I do not think major gun control legislation will pass in our current government.

  10. 1. I think the NRA will continue to use their money to lobby Congress and get them to support gun rights. The NRA has a lot of influence over Congress and even the president, so I am sure they will try to stop any gun control laws from passing.

    2. I am not sure that the new majority will be able to pass any new laws. There is still a Republican Senate and president who will likely oppose any gun control laws. Overall, the Senate still has the power to block House bills and the president can veto any bill.

    3. Without any legislature for gun control, gun violence will stay at the same level that it is currently at. It may even increase as a result of the publicity that mass shootings and gun violence are getting.

  11. 1. I believe the NRA will continue to spend more time, money, and effort into lobbying in Congress. They will also support candidates that are against gun control.

    2. The new Democratic majority in the House will possibly try to pass new gun control laws. However, they will have a difficult time with Trump and the Republican majority in the Senate to actually cause any major change.

    3. I do not think this will make a big impact in decreasing the likelihood of future gun violence events because there will probably not be any major changes in gun control laws. Additionally, controlling gun violence will still be challenging even with stricter gun control laws.

  12. 1. I believe the NRA will continue to lobby Congress to get them to support gun rights. Not only this, but I also think they will support candidates that are against gun control.

    2. The new Democratic majority in the House will try to pass new gun control laws/reforms, but will have a difficult time due to the Republican majority in the Senate and Trump as President.

    3. Personally, I don't believe that this will make a big impact as the government will have a tough time trying to pass gun control legislation.

  13. 1) What do you think the NRA will do to counteract the momentum of gun control?
    I do not think that the NRA will change must. I continue to believe that they will double down, and continue to do what they have always been doing, which has proven effective.
    2) What actions do you think the new majority will pass that the old majority did not?
    Certainly the new majority would attempt to pass further gun control laws, but I do not think that the Democratic party will meet the too much success in passing bills without some bi-partisan support.
    3) Do you think this will make a big impact to decrease the likelihood of future gun violence events?
    I do not think any form of gun control will give a big impact. I think there will be some minor impact. The recent ban of the bump stock might decrease the rate of fire in certain shootings/scenarios and possibly save some lives, however, the impact will not be noticeable I don't think.

  14. 1. I think the NRA will most likely up their lobbying tactics, spending more of their time and money to oppose any proposed gun control legislation and further support members of Congress who share their views. The victories for gun control proponents are mostly isolated to the House, so they can simply up their influence in the Senate.

    2. The new Democratic majority will try to pass gun control legislation in the House that could not previously be passed, but they will face a dead end with a Republican Senate who can overrule their vote, as well as a Republican president who can veto their laws.

    3. I think that unless we make a real attempt at passing gun control legislation and actually find success, gun violence will continue to rise in the future and hurt America.

  15. 1. I think that the NRA will spend even more money on lobbying and supporting of congress members that support gun rights legislation.
    2. The house with a Democratic majority will be able to pass gun control legislation, however since the Senate is still controlled by Republicans it is unlikely that they would pass any laws. Even if the Senate passed gun control legislation there is still Trump's veto.
    3. I think that gun control legislation will move us in the right direction, however nothing will happen over night and people need to realize that any gun control legislation can eventually help in the future.

  16. 1. The NRA will continue to do what it has always done, raise funds and lobby Congress. There isn't a ton they can do, but perhaps they will contribute to certain candidates in the next elections to try and regain control in the House.
    2. The new majority will be more likely to pass more gun control laws, though they will also need the senate on their side and the fact that the president is pro gun rights doesn't help.
    3. This won't make a huge impact. Even if they were able to pass a substantial amount of laws, guns are already out there.
