Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Kavanaugh and the Truth... 36 Years Later

36 years ago, Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party. Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17. Kavanaugh claims to have no recollection of this event from high school. Ford just recently came forward with this information and it can potentially hurt Kavanaugh’s chances of becoming confirmed as the new Supreme Court Justice. There is big controversy about whether this will hurt him or not, considering the event occured when he was 17, 36 years ago. Ford has committed to testify in an open hearing about her allegation, which will take place this coming Thursday. Kavanaugh has completely denied all allegations against him and said that he wants to testify before the committee. However, Ford’s attorney made a statement saying that "they have also refused to invite other witnesses who are essential for a fair hearing that arrives at the truth about the sexual assault".

1. Even if the allegations are true and assuming that he never did anything else like this again during his otherwise brilliant and impeccable career, should one drunken high school incident 36 years ago prevent his confirmation to the Supreme Court?

2. Is it suspicious that this alleged incident was never discovered during any of the six separate FBI background checks that he went through?

3. Assuming it turns out to be true, which is worse, the sexual assault from 36 years ago or him lying about it now?


  1. Julia Doran
    1. I think the important thing that the sexual assault does is call in too question his character. I would rather Kavanaugh come out and say something about being incredibly sorry and showing how he has changed than just flat out denying it. Even if he does not remember if that does not been it did not happen since it was so long ago, so he should have confronted it from the beginning instead of denying it. I do not think one mistake from his past should stop him from being on the Supreme Court, it is how he is handling it now that should stop him from being on the Supreme Court.
    2. I do not think it is suspicious because it was not like Ford had pressed charges against him previously. It was an incident in high school that probably never seemed like much to anyone besides Ford if she never told anyone.
    3. I think it is worse that he is lying about it now as it perpetuates that idea that men in power will get away with things. Thirty-six years ago was different, but now today we have things like the #metoo movement. If Kavanaugh can lie about the assault today and get away with it it will just show other powerful people that they can do things without consequences as well.

  2. 1. Yes. I think this demonstrates Kavanaugh’s immaturity and it doesn’t make sense for him to be elected to the highest court in our country when he has not been a responsible person. In addition, it wasn’t just one incident, it was many because many other women have come forward to accuse him of sexual assault. Sexual assault isn’t just a small crime, it shows that one doesn’t respect others, especially women. That is not acceptable for being a Supreme Court nominee. I don’t think it makes sense for him to be nominated if he has weak credibility and being a student at a prestigious college does not make it okay for him to assault women. These justices decide the law of the land and they should at least be expected to be responsible and follow the constitution.

    2. I don’t think it is suspicious because the women have never come forward about the incident, so the FBI would not be aware of this incident. This is the first time where the incident has been documented which means that there would be no way for the FBI to know about it. If the FBI would investigate it now, they would be able to look into the college, fraternities, and friend groups, they would be able to find out more information on that incident. Without knowing it happened, there would be no way for them to know about it.

    3. I think the lying about it now would be worse because it shows that you are trying to cover up or deny a wrong doing that happened before in order to secure one’s position to the highest court in the nation. He was not the only one who has sexually assaulted someone in high school. But the fact that he is nominated for the Supreme Court and that he is denying it shows he isn’t willing to apologize and move on. It could also mean that he would lie in the future because he cannot be trusted and as a potential Supreme Court justice, that is not okay at all.

  3. 1. I think he should not be allowed to be on the Supreme Court if he sexually assaulted a woman because it shows that he cannot practice good judgement and restraint. Even if it did happen a long time ago, it still happened, and can be considered a reflection of his character. Sexual assault is never okay, and if Kavanaugh really did it, it shows that he is immature, unable to control his urges, and has disrespect for women. Supreme Court justices should be responsible, mature, and able to make good decisions.

    2. I think it is a little suspicious, but of course Kavanaugh could be lying about it in order to protect his image. Also, Blasey Ford never reported the assault and told very few people, so not many people are likely to know about the incident. It also happened a very long time ago, so it would be difficult for the FBI to investigate something that happened that long ago and was never reported. It should be taken into account that the FBI found nothing, but the fact that Ford never reported it should be considered too.

    3. I think they are both equally bad. The assault shows that Kavanaugh is immature and irresponsible, and if he is lying about it, that would show that he cares more about his image than about other people. If it actually happened and Kavanaugh continues to deny it, it could prove that would not serve on the Supreme Court with honesty and integrity.

  4. Jasmine Ang
    1. One drunken high school event that happened 36 years ago should not prevent his confirmation into the Supreme Court. He should not be prevented from joining the Supreme Court for his past actions, but his actions now. If he is lying about this whole situation, and the allegations turn up to be true, appears as a liar. This would be a valid reason to prevent him from joining the Supreme court which values honesty and integrity.

    2. I don't think it is suspicious that it never came up in the FBI background checks. Ford recently came forward about the incident which has brought the attention to the matter. If Ford had never said anything, the alleged sexual assault would never have been investigated by the FBI, because they wouldn't know or have as much reason to look back at Kavanaugh's life in high school.

    3. I think that lying about it is worse in this situation. It's not that lying is worse than sexual assault. It isn't. however, if it turns out that Kavanaugh lied, he would seem as a dishonest man not fit for the Supreme Justice position. So, for Kavanaugh, the lying will damage his reputation more than the sexual assault. Because not only did he sexual assault Ford, but he also tried to cover it up. If he lied, people will assume that he might not act with integrity if he recevied his position in the Supreme Court.

  5. 1. I do not think that incident 36 years ago should be the sole reason he is not confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice but rather the way he handles the allegations today. This allows us to judge his character today, not who he was then. If Kavanaugh tells the truth(even if he admits he did the crime) it would be a much better indication of his character than an action from 36 years ago.

    2. It was not suspicious that the incident was never discovered after the FBI investigations because no one reported it. Many sexual assault crimes go unreported and there is no other way to discover the crime otherwise.

    3. With his current confirmation on the line, America finding out that he lied about it today would be much worse for him than admitting he did the crime 36 years ago. It would show the country that he is unreliable and dishonest in addition to being an offender whereas he could just be known as an offender by admitting he did it.

  6. Joshua Ishimoto
    1. I do not think that one alleged ioncident that occurred 36 years should dictae the confirmation of Kavanugh if he had made up for it. If he had apologized for his wrongdoing and admitted to it then perhaps he could possibily be forgiven for the reckless actions of his youbng life. President Bush Jr. said that when he was young he was naïve and lacked judgement. He owned up to it. Kavag, however, has denied the allegations and is betting on the FBI probe suggesting he is innocent of the charges which places him at greater risk of not being confirmed.

    2. FBI investigations, I can expect, wouldn't usually investigate the details of a person's life before their career. Ford never told her incident to anybody except her husband, her therapist, and her close friends. Such assaults are typically unreported and aren't on the radar of even six FBI probes.
    3. Kavanaugh, if these allegations are true, would not be on the Supreme court for the reason that he didn't own up to his mistakes. Since he was a minor when his assault of Ford occurred, his denial of the allegations would be worse than actually trying to force himself on Ford. He would have been a drunken 17 year old when this occurred. Today he is an adult who as a federal judge should know better than anyone that you have to own up to your mistakes.

  7. 1. I do not think this incident from 36 years ago should prevent his confirmation to the Supreme Court. A person’s actions from the past should not define how he or she acts in the present. However, if the allegations are proven to be true and Kavanaugh is openly lying about the event, then he should be prevented from joining the Supreme Court.

    2. It is not suspicious that this incident was never discovered during the FBI investigations Kavanaugh went through because no one has revealed this incident until recently. Because the event was from so long ago, it would be difficult to find evidence that the incident actually occurred.

    3. Lying about this incident now would be worse because it shows that he is untrustworthy and lacks integrity, something which the public deeply frowns upon. Even if the sexual assault from 36 years ago were to be true, his actions in the present are more influential on his image to the American public today than his past mistakes.

  8. 1. One drunken high school incident 36 years ago should not prevent his confirmation to the Supreme Court. If this was truly his only incident and he handled the manner in a composed, apologetic manner, that would demonstrate personal growth since the incident and indicate that he was fit for the Supreme Court. However, his lack of composure at the hearing and the fact that multiple women have come out accusing him of sexual assault makes him seem unable to make rational, considerate judgements on the Supreme Court.

    2. It isn't suspicious that this did not appear in his background check, for many sexual assaults go unreported, especially those that occurred in the 80s.

    3. Assuming it turns out to be true, him lying about it now is worse, for his statements at the hearing demonstrated many character flaws that a Supreme Court Justice should not have. He blamed the Clintons and left wing opposition groups for the hearing, claiming that Dr. Ford is merely a political ploy, which demonstrates his immense partisanship. He also seemed to lose composure at points during his trial, and was quite disrespectful to Senator Klobuchar. His actions during the trial as a grown man demonstrate his current character much more than his actions at drunken high school parties do.

  9. 1. I agree with most people here, I don't believe one high school incident should make or break his nomination. While this is true, the idea that this might effect his confirmation sets the idea that teenagers should act responsibly and make better decisions when it comes to sexual assault and drinking. Instead of making excuses for his actions, I would like to see him own up to his bad decisions, as this is more revealing about his judgement then the event itself which took place decades ago.
    2. Many sexual assaults are unreported and it is not suspicious that this event never came up, as it was never officially reported.
    3. Him lying about it now shows more about his judgement and character than the event itself. Being able to own up to his assault and grow from it is more honorable than denying his accuser.

  10. I think so. The culture he participated in for a significant and fundamental part of his life should illustrate who he is as a person.

    Not really. It happened awhile ago, and neither had much evidence supporting the event.

    Both. The allegations should have been taken seriously, and of course Kavanaugh should not lie... He is supposed to interpret the Supreme Law of the Land..

  11. 1. Something as serious as sexual assault should not be regarded lightly. Committing it is indicative of poor character and disrespect for others, which is not a good quality to have when you must regularly collaborate and argue with other justices about decisions that will affect the rest of the country. That being said, what is worse than this single incident 36 years ago is if he's lying about it in court right now, which would definitely be a reason not to confirm him.

    2. No, it is not suspicious that the FBI hadn't discovered the incident during their intensive background checks before. If the incident was never reported in an official manner by Ford, then there's really no way the FBI could have discovered it.

    3. The lying is worse because he is now a mature adult who has served as a justice for awhile already. He knows the law and no longer a teenager, so lying about his mistakes now does not only demonstrate evil in his character, but also shows that there's no way he is worthy of serving in the country's highest court.

  12. 1) There are always consequences for one's actions. Thus, even if it was far in the past, there should be consequences for what he has done. Thus if it is found that he has sexual assaulted even one woman we as a country cannot in good faith allow him nor anyone like him to serve on the supreme court.

    2) I believe that it is not suspicious because Ford never filed any charges. Thus, knowledge of the incident was limited to only those that were involved. This means that the FBI would not be able to discover this nor do anything about it.

    3) It is much worse that he is lying about it. This is because the assault it self, while horrendous, does not have direct impacts on other people besides ford. Thus, in lying he is letting down millions of people as he is appointed to the supreme court where his tainted integrity will affect all of their lives.

  13. 1. I do not believe this one action can be enough to deter someones success, depending on the severity of the action. If the action is illegal then I certainly believe there should be something done to prevent this person from essentially becoming above the law. However, if it is just morally or ethically wrong, but not illegal then I definitely believe there should be criticism but not a complete destruction of a career.

    2. It is slightly suspicious that this story never came up. However this is the case most likely because Ford never released this information, so it obviously would not be in the background reports. It is slightly odd that it has taken all these years for the story to release, but it makes sense if we think about the emotional damage and Ford's psyche.

    3. It is worse if he is lying about this story because it shows that Kavanaugh does not have the ability to be fair and impartial, two key factors in order to become a Supreme Court Justice.

  14. 1. In my opinion, I don't believe that this one action will be enough to ruin someone's success, but this depends on how severe that action is. It truly depends on whether it is legal or illegal. For illegal crimes, it may deter success; however, if it's just morally wrong, but legal, it will be hard to do so.

    2. It is suspicious because Ford had never filed any charges. This meant that only people involved in this incident knew the specifics, and not even the FBI were able to dig up anything on this case.

    3. If Kavanaugh were to be lying, it would be terrible because this would ruin his reputation as a Supreme Court Justice.
