Monday, September 24, 2018

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Brett Michael Kavanuagh. Liar or victim. Does he have anything to hide????????? Regardless, in watching the senate hearings what is supposed to be a bipartisan investigation into the qualifications of a Supreme Court Judge nominee has turned into a scene more fitting on the side of a racetrack at a house race. Democrats and Republicans alike have strewn from the purpose of a Senate hearing and begun insulting not only each other, but themselves through their inappropriate demeanor. If these are our elected representatives, is this what our country has become. Polarization in the populous can largely be attributed to political polarization on the Hill. Referring back to the analogy, it appears like Kavanuagh is a racehorse being vied for heavily by Republicans and opposed intensely by Democrats. Here's a quote from Kavanugh's interview on Fox News in which he attempted to defend himself from allegations of sexual misconduct, “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone. I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter.” 

1. How has the Kavanaugh hearing furthered the Republican-Democrat polarization in the current American political climate?
2. In what ways has the hearing exposed the differences between the two political parties? Further, on which issues that Kavanuagh holds a definitive conservative stance has the Democratic party attacked and the Republican party supported? (i.e. - abortion, immigration, power of the president, etc.)
3. Despite the allegations of sexual misconduct, do you believe that Kavanuagh is a suitable appointment to the supreme court? Alternatives?


  1. Joshua Ishimoto
    1. The Kavanuagh hearing has greatly intensified political division in the nation especially because his potential arrival to the Supreme Court would make the highest court in the nation fundamentally conservative for many decades forward. Indeed, we find ourselves in this position because of the Republican's refusal to hold a hearing for Supreme Court candidate Merrick Garland during the 2016 election year. A once highly respected action of the Senate to confirm Supreme Court nominees has thus now devolved into yet another area of partisan bickering. By sheer chance Trump has the opportunity to nominate two people to the Supreme Court. In comparison the Presidents Clinton, Bush (Jr.), and Obama had eight year terms and appointed an equal amount of Supreme Court justices. Partisanship is practically guaranteed by these unfortunate circumstances.
    2. The Kavanaugh hearing has exposed two crucial ideological differences between Democrats and Republicans: legal status of abortion and the power of the presidency. The former has always been a hotly debated issue ever since the 1972 Roe v. Wade decision while the latter is increasingly relevant by the disrespect for constitutional limits on executive authority. These issue play deeply to their electorate so not vehemently defending their parties principles would jeopardize their chances of reelection.
    3. Before the allegations Kavanugh seemed rather boring and that was probably intentional for he wanted to portray himself as no too conservative to the split Senate. In any case I must believe the allegations and that makes him gravely unsuitable to be on the SCOTUS.

  2. Interesting question, Jason. I actually recently researched the increased polarization of voting for Supreme Court Justices and over the past 40 years, the votes are closer together (like 48-50). I definitely think the Kavanaugh nomination increased the polarization of the parties.

    Kavanaugh is clearly going to vote for his party. He will vote in support of the GOP's agenda. In terms of party differences, there are explicit differences in support for women's reproductive rights, immigration laws, environment laws, etc. DEMs strongly attacked Kavanaugh for his stance on Roe v. Wade. The GOP wants to revoke the decision for Roe v. Wade.

    I do not believe Kavanaugh is suitable. He is not bi-partisan and not as qualified as other judges. He holds an agenda in support of the GOP. He heavily participated in drinking/partying culture during a fundamental part of his life. The fact that allegations were made is scary. Lastly, only 94% of his records were released to the Senate. Do they really know the character that they voted in?

  3. 1. The Kavanaugh election will deeply divide democrats and republicans because many republicans will side with the judge saying that he is innocent or that his good things outweigh his bad things. Many democrats will say that sexual assault is never okay and it shows that he won't set a good precendent for other candidates because it is not okay.

    2. This shows how parties are so divided that they are that they will support Kavanaugh no matter what. This is because that he appeals to the Republicans views and their agenda and they will do anything to get a majority Republican federal court because of its lengthy impact for many many years. He holds a conservative stance on abortion and immigration.

    3. I don't think he is suitabable because his attitude demonstrates his immaturity when being questioned by the Senate democrats. It shows that he has a really biased view and is only voted in because of his very heavy views of the GOP. In addition, his immaturity is best demonstrated when he was younger because of his drinking and sexual misconduct when he was younger.

  4. 1) This is a very big polorizer because the Republicans see the the way the Democrats are looking into Kavanaugh as an attack against the Republican party. We can see that their constant defending of Kavanaugh is most likely stemming from the idea that no matter who they put up for nomination the Democrats will attack. Thus they have decided to put their foot down and fight the democrats on this.

    2) Kavanaugh has exposed the fear that the democrats have of a conservative court coming in. Before Justice Kennedy was a swing vote allowing both sides to sleep slightly happy. However with Kavanaugh coming in to this means that the Democratic agenda is highly threatened and the Republican agenda rly is helped. Additionaly democrats r problay scared cuz ruth baeder ginsberg is rly so if she leaves then now its a 6-3 court for conservatives

    3) I do not believe that he is a good candidate because he has too much controversy. We need a strong supreme court justice that people will respect. We do not need someone who half the country will hate and protest.

  5. 1. The Kavanuagh hearing has brought great publicity towards the political scene because his potential arrival to the Supreme Court would make the highest court in the nation conservative for a long time. Ultimately, the democrats will argue that this will lead to a poor choice because they argue that he will not be able to set quality precedents based off his sexual assault allegations.
    2. This shows that parties support their candidates for positions no matter what choices have been made in terms of moral actions. This is because he appeals to the Republicans views and they will do anything to get a majority Republican federal court because of its long impact
    3. I think if this case did not happen, obviously it would be fine for Kavanaugh probably to join the Supreme Court. But after experiencing his answers to some of the questions he received, I do not think he should be allowed into the Supreme Court. I do not think he will set precedents that will further define the constitution and what it actually means.
